TipS WeaRinG AnD cLeaNing LenS

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry them before 
    and after handling lenses
2. Use only your fingertips to handle the lenses. Keep your nails trimmed 
    and clean. Never handle lenses with nails or any other sharp objects.
3. Use only contact lens solution to rinse the lenses. Never use tap water.
4. Always remember to clean, rinse and disinfect your lenses with multipurpose 
    solution after you remove them from your eye. This will avoid discomfort and 
    possibly infection.
5. Wear lenses before applying cosmetics and makeup to avoid creams, powders or
    oily substances touching the lenses.
6. Lenses expire within 1 year of opening the vial.
7. Do not wear lenses while swimming or sleeping.
8. It is not recommended to wear the lenses for more than 6 hours at a time.
9. Remove the lenses at the first sign of any discomfort or redness.
10. Consult a doctor at the first sign of any pain or infection.

1. Place the lens in the middle of your palm. Put around 6 to 8 drops of fresh

    multipurpose solution.
2. Gently rub lenses with your fingertips in a circular motion, around 20 to 30 times.
3. Rinse with fresh solution again.
4. Replace the old solution in your lens case and store the lenses in there. Ensure the 

    lens is completely immersed in the solution, or they will dehydrate and become 


  1. Perform the above procedures immediately after lens removal Make sure the solution is fresh and unexpired. 
  2. Never use solutions designed for hard lenses only.
  3. Never use tap water, which may contain impurities.
  4.  In the event that your lenses have dehydrated and become brittle, do not attempt to rehydrate and reuse them.
  5. To avoid contamination and possible health injury, replace the lens case every 3 months.


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