How to Insert Your Lens

Before inserting the lens, check to see it is free of any nicks or tears. If it appears damaged, throw it away. Check the lens has not turned inside out. Place the lens on the tip of your forefinger and hold above eye level; you are looking at the bowl of the lens from the outside Attached Image 1. Place the wet, clean "right" lens on the tip of the index or middle finger of your dominant hand (if you're right-handed this would be your right hand), and pull down the lower lid with the middle finger of the same hand. Use your other hand to hold the upper lid firmly open. Attached Image

2. Look directly at the lens or look directly into a mirror and place the lens directly on the cornea (the large colored circle in the center of your eye). Attached Image

3. Gently release both lids and blink. If there are any air bubbles beneath the lens, close your eye, and with the eye closed, roll the eye gently. Another way of getting rid of air bubbles is to massage the lids very lightly. Under no condition, however, should your rub your eyes. Attached Image Usually,

the lens centers itself automatically on the middle of your eye when you insert it and will very rarely be displaced on to the white of your eye during wear. However, this can occur if insertion and removal are not performed properly. To center a lens, follow either of these methods.


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